Why bother with Socratic Seminar?
- I should bother studying world history.
- I should bother studying literature.
- I should bother studying language arts.
- I should bother studying geography.
Literature: The more you know literature the better, you can never know enough literature. I think that literature is one of the coolest things ever. You get to read about the exciting adventurous lives of all the people in Greece, Rome, also all the god's and their different powers and what they are god's for.
Language Arts: Language Arts isn't the funnest thing but it sure is an important thing. You don't want to go apply for a job and start talking to him like some twelve year old, that definitely wouldn't be good. And writing is also important, for school and for everything else.
Geography: It's important to know where things happened, people are different in different places, people in America do things differently then all other countries just because that's the way people in that country do things, and that's the way it is for all places, so where you are is an important thing.
sorry i'm not very good at this type of stuff so it isn't very good. But I'll get better!! :)
Dude, I never thought that you could have a smart thought, let alone four! Nice.
That's a good point about history how our time will be studied about later. How would we feel if no one was interested in what our time was like?
And good point on the language arts. You definatly don't want to sound like a twelve year old when appling for a job, or, when dating a girl.
I agree!
yahhh stefy(:
uhm your quite a bit more intelligent then i was thinking. nice. i liked the language arts part. good ideas..
I appreciated your thoughts, Stefano. What aspects of language arts do you want to improve on the most this year?
Thanks Mr. Dye,i am interested on improving writing papers, like the twisted fairy tale, i am not very good at writing papers! :( So yea..
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